(2007 Film & 2010 TV Series)
ROLE: Magnus Folkesson, Arn's father
GENRE: Adventure, Drama
COUNTRY: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany and Denmark
SWEDEN RELEASE: December 25, 2007
Synopsis |
The series about Arn and Cecilia is set in Sweden as well as the Middle East,
and offers a rich gallery of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous
kings. It is a tale of war and intrigue, friendship and betrayal, but also an
unforgettable love story.
Arn Magnusson is born in 1150 on Arnäs farm in West Gothia in the western part
of Sweden. He grows up to become an educated young man and a skilled swordsman.
He meets Cecilia, the love of his life, but a cruel and jealous world forces
them apart. Cecilia is imprisoned in a convent and Arn is sent away as a Knight
Templar to the Holy Land, where war is raging between Christians and Muslims.
They both have to fight to survive, they have to learn how to confront evil and
overcome physical hardship. Their painful separation causes their faith in God
and His goodness to waver – though not their faith in each other and their
confidence that they will one day be reunited.
When Arn returns home he has to fight for his love and what has become his
life’s mission: to unite Sweden into one kingdom. |
Film Details |
Joakim Nätterqvist - Arn Magnusson
Sofia Helin - Cecilia Algotsdotter
Stellan Skarsgård - Birger Brosa
Morgan Alling - Eskil Magnusson
Gustaf Skarsgård - Knut
Fanny Risberg - Cecilia Blanka
Milind Soman - Saladin
Driss Roukhe - Fakhr
Bibi Andersson - Moder Rikissa
Nicholas Boulton - Gerard De Ridefort
Anders Baasmo Christiansen - Harald Øysteinsson
Frank Sieckel - Sigfried De Turenne
Göran Ragnerstam - Biskop Erland
Annika Hallin - Syster Leonore
Michael Nyqvist - Magnus Folkesson
Vincent Perez - Broder Guilbert
Simon Callow - Fader Henry
* * * * *
Director - Peter Flinth
Screenplay - Hans Gunnarsson
Based on the novel by Jan Guillou
Cinematography - Eric Kress
Music - Tuomas Kantelinen
Production Notes & Photos: |
The Arn films were the most expensive Scandinavian
production at around $30 million and were recorded in
several places in the world. The Swedish parts of the
film were filmed mostly in the province of Västergötland,
while the foreign scenes are filmed in Morocco and
Scotland. According to the UK's Herald Today, most of
the film was actually shot in Scotland because there are
so few surviving medieval buildings in Sweden. The
filmmakers made use of the Lothians' medieval locations:
Craigmillar Castle, Seton Collegiate, Torphichen
Perceptory, in addition to exterior locations near
Penicuik and on the Hopetoun estate.
Its international appeal was served by seven different
languages in the film: Swedish, English, Latin,
Arabic, Norwegian, Danish and French. The first film
premiered in Sweden in December 2007, the second in
August 2008 and the TV series in March 2010.
Michael played Arn's father and he discussed the way
family was portrayed in the film - "The story takes
place at a time when the blacksmith changed children
with the baker so as not to get too close to them.
Children often died early. Of course, the parents loved
their children, but probably did not know how we would
understand today. Therefore, we try to show the
relationship between Arn and his parents in a way that
reflects both the past and the present. For example, I
tried to bite Arn, like a good father would have done at
that time, but I was not allowed to do that."
Publicity Stills |
Premiere |
Stockholm premiere
December 19, 2007 |
Denmark premiere
January 2008 |
Reviews |
