"Peter Schønau Fog has
made a successful film of Jungersen's bestseller. The film is crafted almost
like a psychological thriller. Du forsvinder manages to bring its audience along
on an exciting trip with its psychic twisted hook. It's simply one of the best
and most interesting Danish films I have seen for a long time." ...Birgitte
Lorentzen, BT.dk
"Credibility throughout is sustained by a classy cast,
including the late Michael Nyqvist in a role with more
dimension than the raging baddies that raised his
international profile." ...Allan Hunter,
Screen Daily
"Large parts of the film take place in the courtroom, where
the defense is built around the fact that Frederik had a brain tumor three years
ago, which made him unmanageable and unable to understand the consequences of
his actions. The whole course is told through his wife, played by Trine Dyrholm,
who is brilliant as the fragile and powerless spouse who can neither relate to
his husband's illness nor the fact that he may be getting well. The film is
generally characterized by really strong acting performances. The young son of
the couple also succeeds in delivering both the very big emotions and the
little-needed moments of comic relief." ...Emma Louise Ellehøj,
"All three leads are fixtures in the Scandinavian star
system and have individually proven themselves capable
of carrying films in the past, but You Disappear
doesn’t give the trio a whole lot to do."
...Bradley Warren, The Playlist
"All of this is fascinating stuff – and I assume it
reads that way in Christian Jungersen’s novel – but Fog
is so busy considering the story’s philosophical
underpinnings that he forgets to render that story in a
compelling or urgent manner. As a result, some fine work
from Dyrholm and Lie Kaas – and from the late Michael Nyqvist, who plays the couple’s lawyer in one of his
final performances – is left to wither on the vine."
...Norman Wilner, Now Toronto
"Though the film's final act drags itself out in service
of an unnecessary and wholly predictable twist, Fog
elicits consistently affecting performances from his
leads." ...Chris Machell, CineVue
"The affair between Mia and the lawyer Bernard (a
fabulous Nyqvist) is understandable and oddly fitting to
the overall canvas of the movie. Peter Fog’s fleeting
take upon the nature of our conscience and the control
we possess over our will is a fascinating albeit an
unfulfilled thriller." ...Kalpit Tandon,
High on Films
"Although the book has been sold in over 70,000 copies and
consequently read by far more, Schønau Fog's complex but tightly managed
storytelling makes a both fascinating and overwhelming film. All in all, 'Du
forsvinder' is an extremely successful transformation from book to film. Scary,
confusing, shocking, with no uplifting bright spots; A cold dystopy about man as
a slave of his heart's merciless chemistry." ...Helle Sihm, AOH.dk
"The three primary figures are played with great fame and
great credibility by Trine Dyrholm, Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Michael Nyqvist...
An unconditional successful film that deserves a big and excited audience."
...Henrik Queitsch, Ekstra Bladet.dk
"Finally a Danish
film for adults. The person, existential and well-played. When did we last
see a Danish film that is about who we are?... Let me say it right away:
'Du forsvinder' is exciting like a psychological thriller in the champion
class... The defense attorney (fine play by Swedish actor Michael
Nyqvist) relies on dismissal with reference to the accused of 'inability to
act sensibly at the time of the act'. A character and personality shift caused
by the brain tumor - for which Frederik is now successfully operated. From now
on the film takes place in the courtroom, where the prosecutor will disprove
that the brain tumor should have influenced Frederik's criminal action.
Excitingly enough. But 'Du forsvinder' can do much more than portray a dramatic
trial. We get a close-up of people who constantly question the subject of their
actions." ...Uffe Stormgaard, Cinemazone.dk
"In a support group for relatives, Mia meets the lawyer
Bernard (always famous Swedish Michael Nyqvist) whose beautiful and
before-so-busy wife Lærke has been injured after a car accident... Just as sensationalized as the personal
drama momentarily feels, just as theoretically captivating is the weighty subject
of the brain's amazing mechanical functions and the film's absolutely
well-placed critique of the social stigma and general ignorance that is still
related to mental disorders. Is my opinion about the film ultimately based on
original impressions, or just the calculated sum of my brain's anticipated
expectations, saved experiences and my knowledge of the novel, actors, etc.?"
...Lise Ulrich, Soundvenue.com

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